
wake me up


08-13-2014, 02:11 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 02:12 AM by Fish.)

Suddenly out of the blue, a massive form emerged from the darkness, towering over the little brown woman and causing a gasp to leave her lips. Her purple eyes darted from the man to the shrooms, before her legs pushed her away from him and she went tumbling back against the wall of the cave. But within seconds, she noticed his grin, and his fascinating color. All he was to her then was a friendly stranger who was big and accidently scared her...but no. He had bad intentions, and Fish was completely oblivious to it. A grin stretched upon her lips, and she slowly found her feet, paws bringing her low to the ground but muzzle stretching up to gaze at him.
She completely ignored his question and whispered, "You're orange..." Her soft, innocent voice echoed calmly through the bright cave as she stared up at him, eyes bright and full of interest. Her heart was so full of love and kindness and innocence...she didn't know this man was here to do things to her just yet. But she's heard about sex and rape all before...and it wouldn't take her long to realize why this man had been creeping up on her.