
wake me up


08-13-2014, 03:37 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 03:43 AM by Fish.)

A little part of her told her she wanted this. That she wanted to try this out. But...the majority of her didn't want this to be her first. She wanted to be loved and held for her first...someone that wrapped around her and whispered sweet nothings to her. The young innocent didn't want this creepy orange man to suddenly show up and do the do and then walk off like nothing ever happened. No. This wasn't supposed to happen to her. Not ever. What did she ever do to deserve this...? Though suddenly, a soft lick was offered to her ear, and a shutter ran up her spine and left her lips as a very delicate moan.
Then she pulled back, and felt tears filtering those purple eyes of hers as his voice enveloped her. Drummed like thunder in her sensitive little ear lobes. Her tail stood tucked away between her legs, and with a slow movement of her paws she would shuffle to the side and attempt to move away from the brute. Farther away from the exit...that exit that could save this from happening. Again, she spoke in a cracked voice. "...please don't...I just..."
The little dame fought the tears, and she halted in her spot, staring at the ground and avoiding eye contact with the man. Then she finished, "...I just want to go home...please..." That's what the woman wanted to do. She wanted to curl up beside her mother and sleep. Have sweet dreams and forget everything...