
wake me up



5 Years
08-13-2014, 03:02 AM

He watched as her innocent mind caught up with his ill-intent, drawing a rather low chuckle from his maw. Ah, the Dove had caught on it seemed. She backed up against a wall, but would find no escape there. Charaz sauntered towards her, his head low as he tried to keep those amethyst eyes captured in his silver gaze. There was no where for her to run, no where that she could hide. The orange bastard was not new to these games that he played, he practically wrote the book on how to get laid. This one would need a little work to relax, which was all the more fun for him. Where was the enjoyment on a quick snack? No, he was up for the challenge to make her want him, to turn the tables.

She whispered that she didn't think she liked this, body displaying all signs of fear and submission. Another chuckle rumbled in his throat as he toward over her tiny form. Head lowered until his breath tickled her ear, his tongue snaking out to caress the sensitive lobe. "Oh my little Dove, I will make you want this." He promised, his words a soft whisper spoken directly into her ear. He would need to be gentle with this one if he wanted to pull her into him, to let her fully submit her body to his. Soft kissed rained upon the crown of her head and her cheeks, soft nibbled following to place a fire under the cold rain of his licks. Drawing himself closer to her he tried to push their chests together, to let his heat take over her body. A gentle moan left his lips, positioned once more by her ear so that the erotic sound would not be missed.