
wake me up



5 Years
08-13-2014, 04:24 AM

He was drawing out soft moans from her, and he knew that she was playing right into his paws. She was conflicted, like most innocents were. It was the same bitching lines every time, and if the reward wasn't so satisfying he wouldn't but up with it. But he was all in this for himself, the feelings and concern of the bitches didn't matter, he just wanted that sweet release that only sex could offer. He wouldn't give up, he never did. No one was allowed to just simply walk away from him, not without a few scars. Charaz was disappointed when she moved, again backing herself into a wall as she protested against him. A low whine whistled out between his ebony lips, his steps slow as he closed the gap once more. She had more guts than most, more will power than he had seen in Goldilocks. But Dove over here seemed t be more in control, which made it all the more rewarding to watch her crack.

"Oh but you can little dove, you can." He whispered, reaching over her head and nibbling on her sensitive scruff. He knew where all the sweet spots lay, where the places and crevasses that they longed to be touched. "I'm a gentle man, I swear." He pleaded, trying to make it seem like the tables were reversed, like she was the only one who could let him go, who could take away this need that boiled inside him. Oh how badly he wished to tear into her scruff and violently connect their bodies, but he would not. That could wait until he got back to Goldilocks, unlocking the side of her that craved that more powerful movement. But for her, she would draw it out, not caring as long as he made it out of here with his prize.

The innocent ones seemed to crawl back to him over time, not knowing who else to go to to get the kind of pleasure that he offered. They most likely kept hidden that they had given into him, hiding the shame within themselves. But he would know, and he would gladly fuck them twice if it made them feel any better.