
What are the mystical creatures known as women?

Dutiron i


8 Years
08-13-2014, 01:36 PM

Sir was hardly a term he preferred his grandchildren to call him by. Dhiren was upset though, not a sissy at all in Dutiron's opinion, just upset, and he wouldn't bother pointing out silly things like that now, not when he could see the boy was trying to gather himself once more. Tears could fall if they had to though, he wouldn't think any less of him. Truth be told whether now or back when he had been Dhiren's age, Dutiron suspected he probably would have been struck by a similar sadness had Novel treated him the way Guinevere was treating Dhiren.

The question started out rather awkward and didn't get all that much better as it went on. Things were simpler when it seemed Guinevere was simply betraying Dhiren, now of course though he suspected she was in heat at the moment. It made her actions a little easier to forgive but didn't help this current conversation at all. "Yes" He would begin simply. Honestly each time it came up the man tried to think of his own lessons on the topic but it seemed it was one of the things that Dutiron had apparently forgotten from his youth. Oh he could recall the details of course, just not how awkward the subject had been from a learning or teaching point of view. Now he was about to have a harsh reminder it seemed.

"I'm sure you're aware by now of where pups come from." The boy had plenty of younger relatives after all, had been around long enough to witness pregnancies and births. "Well whether they are ready for them or not, as they become adults, a female's body will prepare itself for pups. They go into what is called heat, scent will change with the body's hormones taking over and as and you said yourself make them crave such desires."