
Every Rose has it's Thorns



08-13-2014, 02:37 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 02:38 PM by Guinevere.)
Set before she goes to the crypt

She felt like she was doing better, that she?d be able to forgive herself sooner rather than later. Dhiren?s affection and support would keep her going too. She could now go full days without thinking of the bright orange man, though even still more days than not would contain thoughts of him. She?d been doing well to keep herself in the territory, though she still had a strong desire to leave, to be on her own for just a while. She wouldn?t go back to that place, she wouldn?t have to see that wolf again. A sigh would leave her lips as she tried to move away from dark thoughts, one of the best ways to rid them from her mind was Dhiren.
She knew that she confused him, and hurt him worse than she would have ever intended. She hated that she?d ever done it, hated that she wasn?t strong enough to walk away. Guinevere would try to shake the thoughts from her head, she wanted to be in a positive mood around Dhiren. She didn?t want this cloud of negativity floating over her anymore. What else would take it off her mind? Would Dhiren want to go swimming? Maybe he?d catch her another lobster..
Thoughts would start to be distracted as she pawed her way to his den, an innocent smile on her features as she poked her head in, "Hey sleepy! Come swimming with me!"
