
Not A War, An Alliance.


09-05-2014, 09:31 PM

Shadows concealed her shadowed frame so perfectly. Onyx mocking the shadows whilst ecru hues blended in well with the surrounding golden patches of grasses in which had been cooked by Summer's sun. Suspicion intruded upon her mind and of course - jealousy. Though, jealousy would be pushed aside for the sake of her climbing ranks and her respect for her king. She felt a need to watch this gal carefully.

The woman's words would sing out words of a murderer, though, at least she seemed to speak truthfully. Murderer. Did she not enjoy tasting blood upon her lips herself? Enjoying feeling a fighting heartbeat throbbing upon her tongue? Mmm, her own heart was darkened, but in a much different way it seemed. She enjoyed wooing men and being ravaged - a masochistic succubus. Though, war and blood was a bonus.

Ears listened to each word that dripped from each maw. She took in each syllable carefully - evaluating each one. Tender hearted Bass would, of course, grant the gal entrance. She would pay careful attention to this woman during her stay at Abaven. As a climbing warrior in rank, it was her duty after all to ensure the peace.

Body began to move forward, her posture reflecting her higher ranking among Abaven. She would come into view as she elegantly made her way to Bass's left flank. Marbled eyes gave a hard look of concern in her King's direction. Right eyebrow raised questioningly. Gaze then quickly retreated from Bass and gracefully settled upon the gaze of the taupe female. Welcome to Abaven. . . Perhaps us two can take a walk sometime around the borders and I can offer you some training. Though, training and familiarity was important, she was more concerned in getting to know this one more personally.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts