
Real Ambitions

Rune I


5 Years
08-13-2014, 04:25 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They had settled nicely within the Fern Gulley. Rune was proud that his daughter had been so willing to voice her opinions on where they could end up going with the fall of Covari, even more pleased that the location had been as bountiful as she had described it to be. She had always struck him as being a little too adventurous for her own good, far too willing to poke her nose into things and places that she should likely have stayed away from, but that same curiosity which had worried him so often had been what saved them now. They had a sheltered home, plenty of game to chase and hunt, and each other to fill all the little gaps.

And it had got him to thinking.

He had never truly been the very ambitious type. Of his siblings, he had been the quietest, the most reserved, the one liable to watch, observe, and assess before even thinking about making a move of his own in whatever endeavor he had his sights on. Before it had been easy enough to take direction, to follow those in charge and let their orders guide him in what he should do. But what did one do when those in charge were no longer there? What happened when one noticed those around them beginning to flounder, beginning to struggle, because of the absence of a leader, particularly one who was capable and devoted enough not to abandon their post? It had been crossing his mind an awful lot since he had learned of Covari's abandonment, had dredged up old feelings that he had once had over Tortuga. He had been willing then to fight and claim the pack as his own if it meant salvaging what had once been his home. Those same sentiments, it seemed, still lingered.

But it was hardly the type of endeavor he could simply strike out on all on his own. He was responsible for many, a growing little horde composed of family members he had willingly taken responsibility for. He needed to let them know, let them all know, what exactly was on his mind. But before he addressed the group there was only one in particular he wanted to speak with first.

He had walked a ways through the Gulley, scouting its edges and learning the terrain, all the while distracted by the thoughts that had become an incessant buzz within his mind. They could live here, easily. They could make it work by working together, by devoting themselves to each other, to the betterment of the whole. They could be successful and live comfortable lives within a small piece of safety and warmth. As his dark paws brought him out over the edge of the Gulley, to the top of the rise and into the open of the prairie sporting a multitude of spring blossoms, he knew it within his heart. And with a softness, a hope, within his frosty blue eyes, contentment for once smoothing out the planes of his face, the burly grey wolf tilted his head back and called for the little white woman whose council he so longed to have, to share with her the challenging but wonderful idea that had very suddenly taken root within his head.