
Foundation of the Future


08-13-2014, 05:00 PM

They would leave behind Covari lands without so much as a second glance. She would herd her boys, bringing put the rear of their little family. Her brother and his family were ahead, a small distance between them as her boys could only walk so fast. She would peer down at them every so often, looking for signs of weariness. It was not a far walk, but she was sure it would be more than enough to tire them out. She would smile down at them, hoping to appease any worries they had. There was no doubt in her mind that would defend them until her dying breath. They don't deserve it. The voices continued to haunt her, they were unavoidable and sometimes just outright vicious. But it was something she had come to tersm with.

Her brother would speak, and voices would lash out. Until you kill him and it petty family. This would be their home now. They were away from Covari and safe from any searching retribution. She would sigh, haunches reclining as she lowered herself to the ground to pull her boys in close for a brief rest. She would place kisses on both their heads, eyes briefing searching their growing frames for any injuries from the journey. Her gaze would lift to her brother, silently asking him 'now what?'. What where they going to do. Alamea and Keiki were ill, she had two young boys, and the rest of Runes kids were still to young to be of much help. There simply wasn't enough of them to care of everyone. But she wouldn't voice her worries just yet, she didn't want to frighten her kids anymore than they already were.

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