
I Just Killed My Boyfriend


08-13-2014, 06:15 PM
fight starts at the **
saf has informed me that she's leaving this weekend, so if she passes the deadline during her absence i will not default her. skype for questions!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? there is no denying the aggravation that festers within the tyrant?s bones, no silencing the animosity which plagues the chasms of her vindictive mind; she is wrath incarnate, a sinful carnage queen who craves to vehemently reprimand those that had dared to flee when pitted against raw supremacy. and when she had sought the retribution of her adversaries, still she had been abandoned -- left to nurse an intense bloodlust that had gone unslaked for far too long; but nevermore. it is his call that forces the phantom deity from her enigmatic crypt, the most bittersweet sensation of trepidation flaring within her broadened chest cavity; it is syrinx -- the red titan -- and the tenor of his summons clearly enunciates every savage intention that loiters within his bones. a herald for death { and for whom is obvious }, and the elysius adheres to the cacophonic symphony with dutiful and methodical precision, adrenaline rapidly creeping through steel veins as she moves with the practiced fluidity of a queen -- and juggernaut.

and as she approaches the epicenter of the infamous battlegrounds, so the chaos unfolds, and her mismatched gaze of violet and silver ravages the scene with intense scrutiny. avid pupils momentarily linger upon isardis and syrinx -- a perfect representation of fire and ice { and their clashing qualities } -- and the tyrant discovers the anxiety which lurks beneath her apathetic guise. however undesired it is, still it is present when she looks upon the armada patriarch, and the phantom finds herself leaning towards his favor; however silently her hopes remain. you cannot fall -- not today.

** yet her gaze wavers from outburst to outburst, and in doing so, so the familiar physique of her former adversary sidles into view. anticipation burns the multitude of lacerations that mar her once-pretty countenance, and soon it is impulse and the carnal desire for gore that instigates the urge for annihilation. the russet pawn had narrowly escaped war beneath the whims of a negligent whore, but there was no fleeing the violence that the elysius now craves to inflict upon her -- again. with a smirk so criminal engraved into the porcelain folds of her visage, the phantom begins to secure her defenses: her skull descends over her breast and her tail streamlines with the remainder of her spinal cord, her chin tucking against the curvature of her neck while her abdomen tenses and her hackles bristle along the length of her spine. shoulders roll forward and roll high while her skull draws back slightly to encumber her jugular in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat, abstract gaze narrowing to violent slits while her ears sew against the contours of her lowered crown. limbs bend slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity while spreading equidistant apart, squaring her stance accordingly so that she might distribute her weight evenly among each appendage. toes splay and nails grapple the tainted earth beneath her in hopes of maintaining traction as her jaws unhinge, lips unfurling to expose the gluttonous incisors that had once craved to impale the red queen?s eye -- and now sought to pierce through her pawn?s.

for if the red queen sought to save her own skin, so her counterparts would s u f f e r for their master?s cowardice.

every ounce of fury that rages through her interior is released in the form of a guttural snarl that rips through gaping jaws as the tyrant queen announces her brutal intentions. { for still she is not a coward like they; she attacks with merciful forewarning. } there is yet sinful determination in her narrowed gaze as her assault commences -- robust appendages pumping madly in an attempt to close the distance that lingers between she and her adversary with lengthy strides, hoping to approach the pawn at a perpendicular angle from the woman?s left side and intending to position herself from the upper half of the woman?s left-sided rib-cage. her own jutting right shoulder blade intends to serve as the focus of her attempted assault, hoping to slam against the portion of her foe?s left-sided rib-cage just behind her { sibelle?s } left shoulder, and located towards the bottom of the ribs. the elysius? intentions are barbaric -- she yearns to break the woman?s targeted ribs with the potential force of her attempted slam and momentum. simultaneously, ravenous jaws will attempt to latch upon the left side of her foe?s face -- top set of teeth intending to pierce through sibelle?s left eye while her bottom set will seek to hook through the tender flesh upon the outside portion of sibelle?s left cheek, jaws tilting to her own left as she intends to diagonally angle her jaws upon her adversary?s left-sided face. her own left forepaw will leave the safety of the earth as her balance shifts evenly among her three grounded limbs to support her weight, attempting to hook around the front of sibelle?s left front ankle and pull back towards herself in hopes of upsetting the russet woman?s balance. all the while, her defenses are maintained to the best of her ability, for she knows that the slightest falter in this battle could be fatal -- her opponent is not weak; yet still, she had not been strong enough to best the elysius before.





table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]