
Live Like you are diying.


08-13-2014, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 07:45 PM by Tain.)
A slight snow fall had begun with every passing second. It was not a huge snow storm at this moment, Yet Tain hoped that it would not get to such. He walked easily across the snow covered grounds. His eyes landed upon a figure not to far in front of him,Pulling scents in he pulled the information. Wolf, female, pack orientated. He approached her cautiously eyes looking from one part of her to another. She was just laying on the snow filled ground, allowing the fresh snow to fall and gather on her. What was this dame thinking, Tain was confused on the actions of the one that laid before him. He came to a stop with in a few steps, with a soft, yet deep voice he spoke to the female that rested there."Hello, are you alright?"

Tain was concerned about the one that was here, he wanted to make sure that she was alright. His deep blue eyes scanned her for a response,He could see that she was still breathing. His tail swayed gently as he stood there, moving in place a few minutes apart, to keep him warmed up."My names Tain, i don't mean to bother you." He spoke once again. He could tell something was wrong, for some reason Tain could always tell when someone was not alright. He took a deep breath, his eyes spotted the snow starting to accumulate on her, he slowly brushed it off so that she would not get colder."You look cold my lady."