



10 Years
Athena I
08-14-2014, 01:57 AM
She chuckled at his given nickname. Hawk. She liked it, could get used to it even. In a way it was sort of refreshing to have an encounter like this and not know his name. That fact added a particular thrill that she certainly appreciated. "Alright, Hawk it is. And you look like quite the tasty mouse," she cooed in response, her tongue lapping out across her lips as she stared at him, adding to her part in this game. But then, that's when the real games began.

It was like a dance. A strange, wonderful, painful, delightful dance. Each movement she made he had a rough response to, surprising her in the best of ways. She had been with quite her share of brutes, all shapes, sizes, and temperaments, but very, very rarely would she find one who was rough in their handling of her. His neck made a move to curve around hers and she let him, not expecting the bite that he would give her to scruff. She sucked in a surprised gasp through her teeth, but she wouldn't flinch away. Instead her light-catching gaze would immediately find his once she stepped away once more, a sudden knowing and understanding in her eyes. To his growl she would only give him a simple flick of her ear, an acknowledgement to his frustration, but nothing more.

As she strode past him only a moment would pass before she felt his body connect with hers once more, his body slamming into her rear. She might have been knocked over with the force of it if it hadn't been for the fact that his jaws quickly found her scruff and held her in place, his fangs sinking into the skin there. Another sharp intake of air passed her lips and a light tremble raced through her form from the sudden, sharp pain combined with his growl that rumbled through her and rattled her bones. Before she really even had a chance to gather herself he had let go and was pressing his weight into her. She could have simply given in, let him press her to the wall and have his way, but where was the fun in that?

She pushed back against him with a growl of her own and sharply turned her head, snapping and letting her teeth graze his chest. Her expression made it clear it wasn't an act of anger or even defensiveness. A sly grin stayed ever present on her muzzle and as she turned her gaze up to find his a gleam of mischievous lust sat firmly in her silver eyes. She let the strands of his orange fur escape her teeth, her fangs only scratching the surface of his skin, while she awaited whatever reaction or punishment he might have for her.
