
More than letters [DRAFT HUNT]

Requiem I


2 Years
08-14-2014, 01:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The male his brother had spoken to appeared to be friendly enough, which was a good sign in Requiem's mind. Ludicael was a close pack. Everyone knew everyone in some roundabout way, and if you did not it was never for very long, but considering most everyone was family in some way, shape, or form it was rather easy to spot those who were not. Friendliness was a quick way to overcome that, to wedge your way in, and the brown youth could only assume he was making his own efforts to fit in and find a place amongst them. Certain it was not his place to make those sorts of judgments - he was still only learning things himself - Requiem left it to the others, easy enough to do as his grandfather Dutiron finally called them to order.

His attention turned to the older male, listening as introductions were made for the new male - Frith's - benefit and then as the intention behind the gathering was given. A pack hunt? That was exciting. Most of his won endeavors with hunting had been conducted alone, especially of late. Having them all together, working as one, would be an entirely new experience. And though there was some part of him that was unsure, that wondered how such arrangements worked out for the better, he was more than willing to give it a shot.

With a little wag within his tail, his grandfather posed a question for the lot of them, but before he could muster up the courage to say something before all of them his sister was the one who spoke first. He turned his head to glance her way, impressed but a little surprised considering she always tended to be so quiet, and then back toward the Author to see whether he would agree with Saga's choice.

OOC: Been a while, but wee, replying anyway~!