
I could use a dream

Athena I


9 Years
08-14-2014, 03:05 PM


Athena nodded in understanding to Haruka's rebuttal to her comment, knowing that in reality that was more or less all the information she would need to know about the fox-colored fea. But it seemed that she and Haruka had different definitions of getting to know someone. That was something Athena would have to adjust to when working with her, but she could state her case none of the less. "It's not really the amount of information that I know about you that I'm trying to increase. It's more... just getting to know you and your personality and your skills. You're so different from everyone else I've met, but in a very good way. I just need to know how you work, for lack of a better term, so that we can work better together." She smiled and hoped her explanation would help Haruka understand her thinking a bit more.

The Soeverien listened quietly while Haruka spoke, her head tipping slightly to the side while she considered what her Graaf told her. They were all good points. Athena knew Haruka's last suggestion had been in jest, bust maybe she had a point. Athena was quiet for a moment while she processed her thoughts and when her gaze finally focused on Haruka again she smirked, her gaze curious and hopeful. "Maybe that's exactly what you need to do. When someone comes wanting to join, you should either hide and watch or meet them with me. You can be like a second opinion. Even more than that... Why don't you watch some of the other pack members like you watch me. Keep an eye on them, make sure they aren't breaking our laws. You can be like my second set of eyes." She watched for Haruka's reaction, hoping that this offer would be more up the sneaky fea's alley.