


08-14-2014, 06:14 PM

Enough was enough. A child ruled this pack and it was being to show. Battle training and been a complete and utter failure. Only two measly wolves had arrived. Irritation shot through her veins, amplified by the fact that Kylar had been missing for some time now. Hackles bristled as she stalked along the borders. It was then that she noted the stale scent of the child. She was gone. Left the pack without a word. The silver woman could hardly say anything about that, she had done the same. However, her pack was thriving, not a useless gathering of idiots. She would stalk towards the heart of the plains, her legs carrying her at an easy lope. Slowly her posture would begin to change. Her crown would lift high, chin tucking loosely against her throat. Her thick plume would curl around her hips, as audits swiveled to attention. Coral pools remained bright with the impending change.

She was ready. Ready to resume her place as Queen, on a new throne. Once she reached the heart, she would bring her behemoth form to a halt. Crown would tip back, a booming call echoing across the lands. Her summons would reach far and wide, claiming this place as her own and beckoning anyone who dared to challenge her. Power rippled through her frame as adrenaline flooded her system. When her call came to an end, her chin to return to its loosely tucked position. Hackles bristled before relaxing as anticipation swelled in her chest.

Would anyone answer her call? Would anyone flock to her borders in search of a home? She doubted her old pack would return, but it didn?t matter, most of them where useless anyways. Shoulders would roll and stretch in preparation. Defenses settled in loosely, waiting to see who would join her or who dared challenge her for her self proclaimed throne. A wicked grin curled her features, tips of daggers peaking out beneath her lips as she waited with deadly patience.

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