



5 Years
08-14-2014, 06:47 PM

She had heard the call ring out over the land and could honestly say she wasn't surprised to hear it was a challenge for Bass from her father. Since she had last seen Isar she had isolated herself in Abaven, depressed in hearing her mother had passed away and that Isar offered her a place in his ranks. The offer was tempting. She knew among Isar's pack she would hold a higher power, be the main if not the only healer. She would be respected and known. And Isar could train her, mold her to the goal she strived for in life. To claim her own pack and lead it with her brothers. But then she would think of Quelt and guilt would twist at her belly. She did love him but had she moved into that relationship too fast? All of it was so confusing. Where Isar could offer her comfort for losing her mother and mentor her, Quelt could love her no matter what she did.

She would move slowly to the battlefield, tail in the air like a banner, a flag wavy to the fight. She had never personally been here to the battlefield but the stain of old blood the litter of fur and bones did not frighten her. She simply stared at it through amber as with disinterest. After all it was a battlefield, what would one expect? Flowers and butterflies everywhere? She snorted at the thought and picked up the pace, gliding over the barren land. She could hear the fight before she even came into view. Each step taken with care and deliberate slowness. Eyes took in each and every little movement the two males made as the fought over her.

Personally she was really interested in how this would turn out. Would Bass be able to prove he could protect and defend his members? To her it was important a leader was capable of doing such things. She would loose respect for Bass as an Alpha if he lost. In her eyes then, it would not be difficult to go to Isar then. This was just how she was. How could she learn to strive and drive forward in rank when their Alpha could not protect them and keep them from being stolen away? Was not the Alpha the primary example of how you should act in every aspect? Amber eyes lighted as she watched her father and in a matter of moments predicted he would win. She shook out her fur before sitting herself down with tail wrapped over her paws, waiting.