
& i dream about you all the time


05-12-2013, 05:55 PM

Not moving sounded like a plan to him, Lovatt had to admit. There was a simple perfection in that moment, in the way thy fit together. They were snuggled together, nestling together like they had never been separated, like they had spent their entire lives like this. And Lovatt really wished they had. The years that they had spent apart were years that he could never recover. Years in which she had been hurt that he would never be able to make up for. But perhaps, with time, he could make up for all of that. Starting right then.

A blissful sigh escaped the male, and he flicked his tail lightly as he spoke. "More than perfect," Lovatt murmured, nuzzling her lightly, "I've wanted to do this for so long." Lovatt murmured, inhaling her scent as they sat. He didn't want to move, didn't want to shatter the sense of peace that filled this moment. No, instead of letting the world come in between the two of them, Lovatt curled a little closer to the white female with a soft sigh, feeling tension release from his body as bliss filled his body. This was heaven. Or as close to heaven as a wolf whose past had been as shattered as Lovatt's would ever come. He had thought his entire family was gone, and now he had learned that the wolf that he had loved for his whole life was still alive. She might not remember everything, but clearly she remembered enough. And that was enough for him.
