
Ryker Tsarev (re-activating character)


08-14-2014, 09:12 PM
Out-of-Character Name:Maka
How did you get here?:Old member

Character's Name:Ryker Tsarev
Season of Birth:Autumn
Adult Height: 32inches
Appearance Description:As a pup Ryker will have a black base coat with the developing 3 gray x's, along his back just as his father Thane's. But the three x's will go ggray, white, gray. The only mark on the pup that will really stand out will be the gray star on his right cheek which he inherited from his mother. The white lined ears will be slightly noticeable and his white toes will stand out amongst his gray legs. The tip of his tail shall be gray but not too noticeable. He will have aqua blue eyes like his father but each has a flint of emerald green like his mother's green eyes. And all of the gray on him s dark gray.

As he grows his markings will become more defined and easier to see while being much more noticeable. The X's on his back are now tufts of longer fur while his white lined ears are showing more now as well. His ray legs will now stand out the same as his white toes. The gray at his tail tip is more noticeable now as well and his aqua blue eyes with the green flint in each of them is a brilliant sight when in the Sun. As for the gray star on his right cheek underneath his right eye it will be more defined as well.

As an adult Ryker will have grown to a normal sized brute with the exception of his broad shoulders from his father. His frame will be fit and the brute will be ever so gallant as his father would claim he looks exactly like the young prince he would have been. Ryker will have white lined ears and the star underneath his right eye will standout as well. Ryker's eyes are the same aqua blue as his father's but with a flint of emerald green in each eye from his mother. Gray will be on the tip of his tail and all of his toes shall be white. For his legs they shall be gray. The x's going down his back will have evened out with his fur and will stand out as the rest of the marking's do.
Proof of Purchases:star on his cheek