



7 Years
Extra large
08-14-2014, 09:43 PM

He had been too late to stop it, and of course he was angry. Part of him was disappointed in Bass, for not being able to protect his mate in such a time. The pups needed her, they were growing but if they lost another parent Quelt wasn't sure what he'd do. As he arrived on the field he watched Isar, he was derived to respect Bass being under his rule, and over the fact he was here to become stronger and to become a king. Though the larger beast would then stand in front of Isardis. "I have heard a lot about you, albino King Isardis." he would dip his head for a moment. But of course he was taller than the king, which made for a little awkward stance trying not to seem too disrespectful. Irune was his mate, his love, he wasn't going to disrespect her father right in front of everyone. "While I cannot deprive Irune of her blood, I am her mate Isardis. I'm not going to ask your permission to love your daughter because I can't help myself. But know this, I plan on gaining a kingdom soon. And when that time comes, I would like Irune to come with me. You may have won her now, but the children she is fostering will also miss her." his bi colored orbs looked interestingly at the king. Though he smiled slightly in a devious way.
"But that aside, I do respect you, as her father you had full rights to come challenge for her. Please forgive me Bass if I have spoken out of turn. You are still my alpha after all." Quelt was trying to fight the tears. The urge to ask Bass if he could challenge for Irune back, but as far as she was concerned it looked like she was willing to go back to Isardis because of Bass' lost. Though he thought a man was not measures by his losses he assumed that was how the Armada's worked. He certainly did hope he hadn't pissed Isardis off either. The least he wanted right now was a fight. He pulled himself to Irune's side, brushing his pelt against hers with a soft smile. Whatever, he loved her, that was a fact he couldn't deny.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]