



5 Years
08-14-2014, 10:32 PM

And so it would be, she would once more be under the paws of her father. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed at Bass before standing up. With ease and a light sway to her step she sauntered up to her father with pride in her eyes. She was no fool and knew she had to treed carefully, Ah father, you once more show our blood is the finest. Come lets not linger in the presence of those below us. She said smoothly, like honeyed milk. She would look over at Bass with the mixed feelings of sorrow and distain. How could he just seem to give up. Her father was right in one thing at least. How foolish she was to follow this male.

It was then that Quelt padded to her father and her body would tense. What was he up to? Had he never heard the stories of her father? Eyes widened briefly before she forced herself to remain neutral. Her heart would twist painfully inside, but if they were to ever see each other again she had to go with her father, for now at least. Head bowed slightly as he mentioned the pups, she would miss them too. The pups are strong, believe in them, they will and can overcome anything. You just need to show them the path to it, shed the light for them. she said softly. Pulling to the side to speak with him she would nuzzle his shoulder tenderly. I will return in time. When I can i'll come back. But I don't think I could follow under Bass again. She whispered before giving his cheek a lick and pulling away. It was so hard to walk away, so hard not to look back. She couldn't do it, for it might be the last time she would ever see him again.

She returned to her father's side with a smile tugging at her lips. Ice King I do believe I have family to reunite with and a new home to study and learn. Shall we be going now father? She asked him softly. She knew she had to show adoration, and to be honest she didn't have to fake it either. Her father lived on respect and admiration, to be holly supreme above all else.