
Sleeping In



5 Years
08-15-2014, 03:09 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was glad Nako was so willing to tell her these things. What would her father think if she suddenly asked him about everything that he had taught her brothers? What would her mother think if she knew her daughter was nosing into things like defensive killing? She doubted she would have taken well to it, and was already logging everything that she was being told away into a safe place where she would be less likely to spill her knowledge in front of her proper, excitable mother. The less she knew, the better.

Not everything made perfect sense - she was far from even moderately experienced regarding everything he said - but a sudden correlation seemed to help draw it all together. "It's kind of like hunting, isn't it?" she asked, thinking back to how she herself had taken down small game before. You found the weak spot, exploited it, and ended the creature quickly. "'s on us instead. Not on food." Anais traveled after him, quick and on his heels as he led them closer to the lake, following without even giving much thought to it. She thought she was right, or at least close. But how did you do that? How could you attack someone with the intent to take their life? It worried her, made her unsure, but neither of her brothers had ever needed to use their knowledge yet.

And she hoped it would stay that way. But because the thought had already wormed its way into her mind, she asked anyway, "Do you think you'll ever have to use what you've been taught?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.