
Beauty of the Orchard


08-15-2014, 04:39 AM
Tallulah would smile, eyes showing kindness like they always did as she saw a squirrel in a branch above them. It chattered as if it were speaking with them, and she gave a small howl as it ran into it's hiding place inside the tree, forgetting that there was a hole underneath the tree. When the squirrel peaked it's head out, Tallulah grabbed it and shook the life out of it, happy she was able to grab an easy meal. The dame turned her cranium over to her new found love and placed it down in front of his paws. "I know it is not much, but, at least it's better than nothing," she would say as she lied down and curled her tail around her bodice, eyes focusing on the stars that already shown in the black sky.

"Sometimes, I wonder why we even have to be alone. There are pups that are alone right now, and we are one of the lucky ones, we have each other," she would speak in a wise tone, like she knew what she was saying and didn't take it back. "I was alone for so long, but you have been alone longer than me so I cannot complain much. I'm just happy to be alive."

Her topaz optics shifted over to meet his eyes. She licked his cheek and gave a small sigh. Was he really the one for her? Would he always be happy with her? Was he just saying that so that he didn't have to be alone and once he found someone better would he ditch her? So many questions rung in her head like a gong. A sense of loneliness still lingered in her mind, and she placed her head upon her forepaws and listened to the night life that was around her.