
Beauty of the Orchard



4 Years
08-15-2014, 05:15 AM

Motion | Talk | Thought

The brute watched the dame as she caught and ended the life of the squirrel who made a mistake and was caught. Aoto was in awe at how quickly she caught it and watched as she placed it before him. He felt honored that she would offer her kill to him but he didn't want it but kindly proceeded to devour tiny parts of the squirrel but left most of it there for Tallulah, the fae he fell in love with. His vocals came about once more and as usual in his polite manner of voice "Tallulah, thank you for this gift but you should have the rest of it, you caught it and I believe you deserve more of it than I... as for pups who are alone, I wish I could adopt them, bring them with me on my journeys but I would also fear for their safety for the life of a loner is not always so kind... but indeed we are the lucky ones, and I hope that we may stay together forever... I don't want to ever lose you... perhaps one day when we're ready we may have our own pups and start a family of our own, only when you would be ready to do so, Tallulah" Aoto gently nuzzled the dame's neck hoping that she would believe his words for he did honestly love her.

Aoto moved himself to be right up against her and laid his own head on his paws making sure his cheek could gently brush up against Tallulah's. He was beginning to think of what it would be like with pups and interestingly enough he was somewhat frightened by the idea. He never had any real experience with pups and could only imagine himself being confused by his questions but he could also see Tallulah being such a good mother to them. The dusty brown brute was thinking of Tallulah and what she had gone through. He didn't lose his family like she had and it made him fill with sorrow. Aoto lovingly licked Tallulah's cheek and nuzzled her neck again wanting her to truly know that he wasn't going to leave her. No matter if some other she wolf came, he would hold true to his words of love and his honor of being faithful no matter how much another she wolf may try to tempt him into leaving Tallulah. After all chivalry wasn't dead and he wasn't about to break his own code of honor anytime soon.