
I Just Killed My Boyfriend


08-15-2014, 07:12 AM

Fight begins at **.

Such vivid dreams of sugarplums and fairies haunt her imagination that the angel hardly notices the gazelle challenging her. A sharp voice would creep into her veldt auditories, as her crown would turn in the direction of the golden siren -- to her right -- cyan gems only given to her own amber gems. "How about I cleave you apart, child? It is only a coward who speaks such words whilst dreaming on the sidelines,? Her plume would unfurl, as the siren would rise, a comment slipping from inky lips of pure hatred. "Your blood is sinful, gazelle. Pathetic." In reply to her speech came a horrid snarl from the grazer, lips peeled in an ugly hiss of fury, as her defenses would fall into place. "I'd like to see you try to rip my tail off, bitch."

** Without any further questioning, both the siren and gazelle would lock into battle and begin to prepare for whichever female would strike first. The siren would allow her crown to lower to align with her shoulders, and upon her crown her ears laid flat, hidden in the plush plume of her neck, the skin upon her forehead tightening. Her cyan gems would narrow to bare slits to protect against dust that was floating in the air from all of the fierce battles initiated by long-held hatred, as well as to tighten the skin about her eyebrows to increase tension and reduce ease of scarring. Lips would peel in a ugly snarl, the skin upon the maw tightening just as her eyebrows. Her shoulders would roll backwards, hackles rising to toughen the skin beneath and to aid in the protection of her nape. The siren's chin would become tucked to further aid in protecting her scruff, as well as to guard her vitalities, such as her jugular. Knees would bend, poised for if the gazelle would try a more physical assault by charging to stun the smaller siren long enough to rip off her glorious plume, tendons within loosening to absorb shock if she were to land a charge. Abdomen would tuck, skin tightening on her sides and somewhat on her back, whilst her legs would begin to spread, weight becoming evenly distributed amongst her bodice for balance. Each digit would drive into the loamy soil for grip, and her glorious plume would rise to align with her bodice as a rudder and for balance, but should the siren go right away for her tail, she would tuck it between her legs, hopefully to reduce the grip she could gain.

The siren { synder } allowed the Armada the first move, eager to see how the sinful lineage fought. The graced canine moved toward the siren at a jog, a confusing aspect for the siren, but nonetheless a preparation for an assault. Cyan eyes were locked on the tempest, striving to move to the left in attempt to place her own self at a similar angle, so they could be coming side to side, a true battle of skill and might. Ambitiously close hung the Armada's unhinged jaws, seeking what she claimed to be her prize -- the glorious white plume that trailed behind the tempest. She { Synder } allows the oddity to launch herself forth, and feels the sharp pang of her right shoulder blade, but in her movements, it was not her only attack. Already she could feel bruising, but adrenaline lulled her onward to live out the tactics this sinful creature displayed. The graceful siren would allow her skull to hunt toward her left side, seeking the tail she desired, her spine extending to grip her tail. The russet goddess would take a step backward, feeling the fangs of her opposition sink into her flesh, a bite wound about one inch deep. The siren had paid little mind to this wound, calculating her next move and tightening her skin to aid in reducing scarring, which had already begun to occur along her spine from the bitch dragging her teeth along it. A cracking noise would sound in her ears, but she had no time for weakness to show to the Armada. She was an Adravendi at blood -- but a lion at heart. Cyan eyes were dulled slightly, but little did that stop the angel from continuing the battle the fool had engaged. Swiftly she would move downward, hopefully allowing herself to break away from the gazelle, a booming step heard in her ears where her right hind paw had been, and to return the favor, she would attempt to stomp her own paw she had attempted to stomp her toes with, right smack-dab on the front right toes. In a quick motion, her paw would return to it's resting place as the siren would begin her assault to counter the damage the gazelle had attempted to give.

To her own right stood the gazelle, her amber gems having locked onto the bitch, and her movements likely could be obvious, though the siren { Synder } could attempt to make her attacks subtle. For her tail, the bitch could live with a severed Achilles' Tendon. At her position, and for the size difference, it could be an easy maim -- and so very worth her time. Her banner would tuck between her legs should the bitch try to hunt for it once more, whilst the russet tempest would reestablish her balanced weight. Mandibles would become unhinged, seeking the blood of the gazelle. Moments before her attempts at rupturing the gazelle's Achilles Tendon, she would elevate her body, having allowed all of her power to localize at her haunches to bring her upper half skyward. Her right foreleg would attempt to wrap about the rear of the Armada, to hopefully aid in disallowing her to move at the right moment, and to do some damage to the bitch. Her left paw would rise, her weight all upon her haunches to aggressively lock down on the right hind paw of the gazelle, and to use her free shoulder blade to drive it into the section between her upper right hindquarters and final right ribcage, to send pain to the bitch and a warning of who was boss. Even if it should be successful or not, the siren would allow her right foreleg to recede from the bitch, to place soundly next to her left paw that had sought out the bitch's hind paw, her bodice rotating at about a ninety degree axis to create a right angle with herself and the bitch, hopefully. Unhinged mandibles hunted for the tendon she wished to rupture, and to shred. Her crown was pointed directly at the tendon, cyan gems hungry for the sensation of the Armada screaming for mercy. Quickly her skull would shoot forward, fangs bared in the direction of the tendon, in attempt to lock upon solely the muscle. If her attack could even be successful, she would bite down hard on the target, moving her cranium from side to side, in hopes of tearing the tendon from the bitch's right leg. Soundly she would replace her left paw with her right, and allow her left to seek the opposite side of the stilt she had attempted to bring into her grasp, in hopes of keeping the bitch in place long enough to rupture her Achilles Tendon and cause her much pain later in life.




OOC: Sorry for such a long-ass post. XD I got really into it and it just... became really long. XD 1222 words, yo. * dies * Hopefully I did well. XD. I feel bad for whatever judge has to read this and judge it. XD