
This is the first day of my life



08-15-2014, 07:29 AM

Pure white ears would come to hear the pained call of her younger sister, both she wolves were close to the birth dates of their children, though Song still had another week before she would worry about the big day. She felt rather light this time, her gait was not slowed and her stomach not as rounded as it had been in previous pregnancies. She could only guess there were fewer babies within her womb this time. So with ease she would propel herself towards Novella?s den, needing to be with her sister and maybe help her give birth.
She hadn?t been given much time to think with her first brood, the storm was upon them as she lay in that field during her labor. Dhiren had been born in the middle of nowhere, and she could do nothing to stop it. Other than being exhausting her first birth had gone without a hitch. She hoped Novella?s would be the same.
She would see Frith and Novella from afar, her sister pacing and unable to let herself lay yet. The walking would help position the pups into place, and she wondered if Novella even realized how well her instincts were working. She?d take a deep breath as she came into their presence, only wanting to be calm for the mother to be. She?d smile softly as her feet came to a stop and her bicolored gaze took in the gentle she wolf. ?It?s about time to meet my nieces and nephews.? Novella was obviously distressed, and in more pain than she?d ever experienced. Song no longer had a store of herbs, so she would hope one of the apprentice healers would appear with the right herbs. For now Novella would just have to breath and conquer this ordeal without medicinal aid.
