
Make me or break me


08-15-2014, 11:03 AM

Her violet eyes narrow as the wolf begins to speak, it appears he is not merely a prideful child seeking entry into her empire. He's a rival leader, a rival king. She takes in his words, offering the same respect she would to any other royal but she is guarded. Sibelle appears at his side, and she nods in greeting to her half sister. They appear to be close- is bringing the other Armada here, a ploy to gain Roman's approval? The Queen remains distant from the pair, her gaze cold and calculating. The recent changes, had made the once friendly queen, cold and guarded towards others. Her ears would flatten slightly, and she'd speak, a simple word inquiring her thoughts. "Why?" Her tone is flat. She wants to know why they seek friendship with her empire. She knows that her empire is one of the greatest in the land, but why have they sought her out? To use her force as protection from other empires? Or to simply stand in the shadow of greatness? Perhaps they too- desire to be great?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak