
Cheshire Country


05-12-2013, 06:00 PM

Fenris stood there and saw that her whole attitude had changed, she went back to aggressive. He stood there and listened to the female hiss at him. Fenris did not take this personal, he knew that he was out of place. Yes he kinda was hitting on her, but something about her intrigued his interest.Fenris waited till she finished her sentence before he spoke."I am sorry if i offended you ma'am. As for taking you as easily taken, i did not think such thoughts.Size and appearance can be something but all be deceiving to the eye." He spoke.

He paused for a bit before speaking once more."I don't doubt that it would take more than a compliment to win your favor, you may be small but surly not a pushover, and that is a trait to hold on to." Fenris stooped as she spoke again this time responding to his question as to who had hurt her, she did not give out any name, and he understood that. It was not his place to do such things as to know things about her personal matters. Then here came the response that made him see that she is not that confident in what strength that she already possesses.

Fenris looked at Micha he thought for a moment before starting to speak."No hunter, don't be so daft. Yes size and strength has plenty to do when it comes to taking down prey. But that is only part of the equation Micha, The other part is to learn a strategy, and how to enhance the strength that you already have. The key to taking down a prey that is much larger and stronger than you is to know where their vital points are." Fenris paused for a moment they spoke once more "Once you learn how to use your size and strength to your advantage, you will be surprised as to what can be accomplished."
