
HIT me with your best SHOT


05-12-2013, 06:03 PM

In all honesty the boy knew very little about what he was doing here. He hadn't had any specific warrior training, he was just trying to do the best he could with common sense and a bit of luck. He wasn't sure how long that luck would last him, but his courage was overflowing. Perhaps the courage would take up the slack that no experience had left behind. The metallic taste of blood trickled into his maw as he successfully ripped through Frino's flesh atop his neck. Maverick tried desperately to keep his grip, but as Frino pushed upward with his paws it was nearly impossible. Releasing his hold on the man's scruff, Maverick felt seeking jaws beneath his throat. A shiver flickered up and down his spine as he realized how much danger he was in. If Frino managed to get the right hold, Maverick could die. He knew that this spar wasn't meant to go that far, but the fear was all the same. In a flash the boy reeled, backpedalling as fast as his limbs could carry him. The result was a single gash that followed his bottom jawline. The area burned like fire, but Maverick was just happy to be alive.

Suddenly finding himself enraged, the Prince would jolt forward. In a sudden pulse of energy he would shift his body weight and pivot on the spot, aiming to thrust his left shoulder upon Frino's face and aim an attack with agape jaws on the man's left shoulder. Of course, this left the side of Maverick's face in quick reach of Frino - but that was a risk the boy was willing to take. They'd promised no serious disfigurement, hadn't they? All four paws set themselves firmly on the ground as he made his move, jaws hanging agape and ears pinned tightly to his head. He was not about to lose an ear in this battle. His tail flagged out for balance and quick turning skill.

Round 2 : 4

Attacks - Thrusting his shoulder in front of Frino's face and simultaneously reaching around with his jaws for a hold on Frino's left shoulder.

Defenses - Jaws agape, ears pinned, tail flagged, balance set on four paws.

Injuries - Gash on jawline, two vertical gashes on chest near breastbone.
