
holy water cannot help you now



5 Years
08-15-2014, 01:57 PM

The male had stuck true to his word, leaving them both nothing but two sated lumps of wolf covered in ash and sweat. A hum of contentment left her maw, legs folding beneath her as cornflower orbs fluttered mostly shut. The male continued to cover her form in affectionate nibbles and kisses, though in her sated and calm state she would grow closer to finding them annoying. A massive yawn would take over, and her massive jaws would stretch to reveal pearl razors and a long salmon tongue. While rest seemed appealing, she would rather return to her home and rest there. Falling asleep while he was still there was too... intimate. She wasn't really interested in forming a relationship like that. However, a relationship where they made love when they desired it seemed rather appealing to her. The tears in her skin and the ache in her muscles, the rawness of her throat, she enjoyed these pains. They were a sign of true satisfaction. The orange man looked close to sleep as well, but she wasn't particularly interested in that. A normal woman would watch her lover with twinkling eyes and admire every little aspect of them. Pathetic. She would rather leave him now and return to her duties in Ebony. With the festival nearly over, it was high time for her to continue doing whatever needed to be done back at home.
Heaving herself to her paws, the behemoth snorted as she shook clinging ash from her golden bodice. Cobalt gaze would fall upon the sweat soaked form of her lover, and a wicked grin would curl her onyx lips. "If you would like to do this again, you may find me at my den in the Rock Garden." She would rumble, turning back toward home. It was a lovely night, and she would also be returning to a lovely queen who didn't seem to fall victim to her charms. Not to worry, she had time to wear away the walls. She would have the granite regent some day, if it was the last thing she did. Muzzle would point over her shoulder, and she would pause. "Thank you for the well spent night, my sunset prince. ?anga? til vi? hittumst aftur." (Until we meet again.) She would coo into the night, sure he would hear. If he didn't, it didn't exactly matter to her. With that, the giantess lumbered toward home, craving now a nice long sleep. She would check the borders in the morning, and maybe bring a feast to her comrades.
.:Exit Sigyn:.
OOC: oh no horrible post I'm sorry more Sigraz threads in future?
