
with all the force of a great typhoon


08-15-2014, 04:34 PM
regrets collect like old friends

The soft, lyrical hum of her mother's voice rumbled softly from outside the shadow-engulfed den, the young heirs ears flicking forward casually. Her little body was sprawled out comfortably upon the soft floor of the den, snuggled up with her siblings and sleeping or resting. But, with the steady movement of her brother's form, the little princess escaped her light slumber and listened to the soft tone of her mother. A weak smile played across the lips of the young woman, her paws attempting to lift her off the ground.
Though within seconds of standing, she fell back to the ground, skinny legs giving out beneath her. Her chin slammed against the soft floor of the den and she let out a soft whine of discomfort. "Ouch..." She slowly lifted her head and found her paws again, hobbling out the den and accidently bumping into the rear of her brother. The girl whimpered and finally flopped down beside him, sides heaving and eyes shutting to the sudden light that burned against her multi-colored eyes.
None of her other siblings, besides Hercules, were out with their mother. But Eunomia found it respectful of her to apologize for her clumsiness and time to get out there anyhow. "Sorry mother...I'm here now." Her eyes casted up to the black mass in which she called her mother, a frown playing upon her lips as she, again, fought herself to stand.

[sorry for the lateness x.x]

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