
Kaala's Greeting


05-12-2013, 06:19 PM
Kai looked up at the "princess" with his purple eyes. She thanked him and even called him a fair knight! Then did the fair dame repay him with a kiss on the cheek. The pups heart went up in his throat as his ears perked up. His body became warm as did his ears. Kai's tiny black and gray tail wagged slightly with delight.

With a shrug Kai replied.

"It was nothing, all in a days work!" he said.

As she then went back to camp he trotted along behind her. Kai was growing a bit tired; he could sure use a nap. If only his mother was here to snuggle up with. Her soft fur, he sweet scent. The pup even yawned just thinking about it! Maybe Aunt Maka had to go and Keki was on her way. Or was she with his brothers? Always the ones taking up the attention! Or so he thought... But Kairos loved attention honestly; without it what would he do? Lay in the cave like a lazy pup? no! he had to get out there! see the world!

Maybe Uncle Gargie would take him on a trip one day. That would be nice...

Kairos sat down besides the dame as he yawned once more.

"Oh...and what's your name miss? Mine is Kairos"