
Zemlya Pravital


08-15-2014, 05:12 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Truth
How did you get here?: I'm not entirely sure.
Age: 16

Character's Name: Zemlya Pravital
Age: Two Years
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 27"
Appearance Description: When one takes into account the large size of Zemlya's parents they may expect her to be in possession of a larger body as well. However, the wolf happened to be born during a rather harsh winter and as a result of a lack of nutrition as a pup that is not the case. Standing at twenty seven inches at full growth she may be on the larger side of small but it's still less than she might have been had she been born in a more welcoming season. Although her weight does fluctuate Zemlya tends toward thinness. Despite the troubles that she experienced during her first few months of life her build has come to provide her with a some strengths over time, namely when it comes to speed and stealth. While she can run distances she is generally better with shorter but faster bursts of speed. As far as her fur goes Zemlya isn't anything particularly spectacular or rare. It's a bit on the shorter side and is largely dark brown in color. Darker flecks can be found as can lighter patches, largely around her tail, underbelly, and muzzle. Her eyes are dark gold with faint flecks of golden brown.
Proof of Purchases: No purchases.