
Fading Footprints


08-15-2014, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 02:50 PM by Spero.)
Queen of no identity

I always feel like someone else

Green eyes cautiously took in their surroundings as the pale wolf made her way to the new land. It was a risk, she knew that. Then again everything was a risk in at least some way, shape, or form. That was the problem with trying new things. Chances were it would always be risky but if you didn't take risks everything would stay the same. When things all stayed the same life tended to get drab and when life was drab it just wasn't living, was it. So she wasn't just trying something new but moving to a entirely new place. Would she regret it? At the moment she had no idea, although she certainly hoped not. Still, she wanted to start living and to do that she needed to take a risk. This was definitely a risk.

At first glance Spero couldn't help but notice that her new location looked nice enough. Yet at the same time it was... off. With each breath she noticed the things one would expect, old grass, warm earth, water, and the remaining traces of wolves who had gone through in days past. The knowledge that others had been here not too long ago was enough to make her feel a little nervous on its own. It was that little thing that she almost didn't detect, the thing that was only a tiny trace on the wind, that made her long white fur begin to bristle and her caution increase ten fold. There was no doubt that the faint coppery smell she caught was out of place in such a deceptively serene location.

Although she continued forward Spero began to unconsciously flatten herself closer to the ground with every step. Entering this place was definitely a risk. She just hoped it proved to be worth it in the long run.

A living myth[Spero Aecor]