
Troublemaker [Epiphron]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-12-2013, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2013, 06:40 PM by Epiphron.)

The sound of Gabriel, one of Erani and Nova's children, brought a smile to Epiphron's face as she wandered about her home, with no particular destination in mind. Amidst the somewhat tumultuous happenings of the pack, of her own life, the presence of her adoptive siblings was a glad welcome. Yes, while they were not exactly blood related, Epiphron considered Erani like a mother, so why would her children be any less than siblings to her? Still she had yet to speak to Nova much, though she noted the unabated affection he displayed towards his mate and children -- and for Epiphron, that was satisfactory.

As her paws carried her closer to the boy, her nostrils flared to take in his scent. Before long, the small pup came into view. Eyes watched him as she drew nearer, wondering why he was off on his own -- she supposed they were growing older, and were bound to leave Erani and Nova's sides eventually. A slightly mischievous glimmer shone in her sapphire blue stare, watching him crouch down near a hole, gazing at something inside. Before she was able to announce her presence, she caught the white fur of a bunny leaping from the hole, bouncing off of the black-furred child and sending him sprawling into the hole.

Her face contorted into slight worry as she bounded forward, abandoning her plan of surprising the boy and instead growing worried for his well-being. With a graceful motion she leaped towards him, sliding down to crouch in front of the hole. He was not injured... if so, she would've promptly pulled him out of there and gotten him to his mother. Instead she peered down with slightly worried eyes, though her gaze was also brimming with affection.

"Getting into trouble, are we, Gabriel?"