
New Insights



1 Year
08-15-2014, 10:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The young girl surprisingly did not have to wait long. She had been watching closely, expectantly, wondering if luck would be with her and the one she sought would come her way, and after her thinly woven patience was beginning to fray she spotted him. He stood out easily, tall, well built, with a coat pattern that seemed almost patchwork. What was left of Bera's ears perked atop her head as her green gaze fixated on him, once again feeling that same sort of intimidated awe settling over her and inexplicably hiding her voice from her. No! This was no good! She needed to be brave, to be bold, if she wanted to ask him questions about fighting and strategy, and so, though she still felt a flutter of anxiety start somewhere in her stomach she made herself get to her paws and approach him.

He seemed even bigger and more intimidating up close than he had over the distance she had seen him from both previous times. The little stumps of her ears shifted nervously, and had the whole of her ears been present they would have been leaning back in betrayal of her worries. But the little brown Bearcub continued resolutely forward, a little glad that the large male seemed to be inwardly distracted. At least if he did not scowl at her right away she might be able to go through with her plan. The girl stopped only when she was close enough that she thought her voice might easily carry to him, and hesitated with a little shuffle of her forepaws before she made herself speak. "You sparred with Thor." It was not a question, merely a statement, a way for her to break the ice that gave herself something easy to say that she would be less likely to stumble over. Before her resolve could give out on her, she added, "He's my brother."