
One Lost, is now Found.


08-16-2014, 07:01 PM

It had taken a long time, years at that, for Ookami to make it back to her home land.The feeling of steeping on Alacritis lands again was a delight to the ageing woman.A muzzle that once was fully black now supports a slight grey coloring, Ookami looked around the lands. It seemed so familiar yet it seemed so different at the same time. She stood there just looking at the land in front of her. Ookami started to shed slight tears of loss and regain, she missed her home. The tragedy of being swiped away sent her in to a slight, unhealthy, mental illness. Ookami, now, cannot approach any form of water ways with out seeing that day again. She felt like she failed her family, her babies went crashing into that waters.

Ookami was so powerless, she could not help but struggle to watch her babies bob under that waters. She herself was struggling on the rapids, Part of her knew that it was not her fault. Yet she could not forgive her self for what had happened to her family. Ookami took a seat upon her haunches, Her tail rested gently behind her as the wind of the summer air filled the lands. She turned seven years of age now, yet she wanted another litter. Ookami hopes that this time it would make things a lot better for her babies. This time she could be there for them, she could be that mother she thinks she failed at.

Ookami knew that she kept her babies safe, she knew that she was a good mother. Yet what struck her as odd is to why part of her thinks she is a bad one. Could this be the cause of the trauma caused from the fall and the water ride.She looked at the sky, letting the wind blow through her fur. The smells of Alacritis was a delight, she did miss this place. A smile formed on her maw as she stared at the skies, she was home. This is and will always be her home, she will die in these lands. She will see her children grow in these lands, that she promises to her self.
