
Stepping Stone {Abaven Meeting}


08-16-2014, 10:11 AM
ooc: Mess with her and I'll kill you. :]

Curiosity had taken over Pandora's mind. After meeting the white-pelted man with the design upon his face, she had become interested about his pack. More than likely, she was interested in his title and power. A wicked smile crossed her pretty features as she imagined how much of a stronghold he had upon his members. Quite frankly, she was a little turned on.
The cobalt babe followed Bass to his pack lands, but didn't consider stalking across the territory. She had had her fair share of run-ins before, considering she also got laid her first time entering Covari. A tender smile replaced the wicked one as she thought of Scorpion. Maybe someday...when he was in power again. She pushed the thought of the untitled man out of her head and proceeded to walk around the borders, pondering how big the pack lands were. And - quite frankly - where was Bass in all of it?
Her question was answered when she heard his call. Turquoise eyes shimmered at the sound and she was tempted to walk across the borders. Instead, she walked around the other side, trying to pinpoint the location of his howl. In no time, she caught his scent among others and her tail slowly wagged. He was there, but she couldn't get to him. Oh, what was she to do?!
A soft whimper escaped her lips and she then lowered herself to the ground beneath a nearby pine. The summer heat was going to eat her up if she didn't do anything about it. Ears perked for anything said over the wind, hoping to catch the general idea of the meeting. Pandora was only a few meters from where Bass sat and she then wondered if he would realize how close she was.

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