
Free At Last!!


05-12-2013, 08:27 PM
She had barely lowered her muzzle to the cool waters when her ears twitched backward, listening as another wolf approached. Honey colored eyes took in the strangely marked wolf as he spoke. "hello there, i am Oxia the Beta to the Pack Glaciem. I can only guess that you are looking for a pack." She smiled and nodded kindly. "I am looking for a pack to call home.." She listened quietly as he went on talking about the pack that he was a Beta in. She tried to keep her attention on him, not wanting to be rude. However the approach o another wolf caught her attention as well.

A sandy white wolfess came this time, and looked to be around her own age. Her eyes lit up with a slight sparkle. "Hello! My names Luana! Whatcha doin all the way out here in the battlefield?" So that was what this place was called. "I'm new around here. Mister Oxia here was just telling me all about his pack." Here she smiled again, trying to respect the Beta while glad to see another that was her age. Sure the Beta himself looked closer to her age as well, but eh. She needed more friends, no matter what pack she eventually when home to.