
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



Extra small
08-16-2014, 02:19 PM

OOC: [OOC:Much thanks to yumpy. I had a serious life issue come up. It was handled :) Yumpy you?re fabulous. And I?ll make sure my next post is pretty damn near close to right after you post that way we can get this over with. Again, apologies, and thank you. ]

Isardis was a grand fighter. His technique was seemingly flawless and his movements were fluid and quick. He was the perfect battle partner for the red king. He loved the edge and the risk of the fight. He loved the way they hungered for more from each other. They were ravenous creatures set on finding a life without their only worthy adversaries. Would their children endure the same? Would they feel inclined to hatred because of their lineage or would they find pride in standing apart? There was plenty of room for error in their future, but there was also plenty of room for success. Perhaps, they would stand together, perhaps they would be in the same position as Syrinx and Isardis. Regardless, Syrinx only expected loyalty of his blood. He did not expect their wounds to remain open and became bigger sources of anger. Of interference. There was much to be done.

Continue Fighting

His ears were pinned against his head and his jaws were parted. Eyes were narrowed in on Isardis?s face and his body was in perfect alignment. paws clenched the earth seeking traction and his tail was out to assist balance and act as a counterweight. Weight was distributed evenly between three grounded limbs and his back legs were parted and sprawled to create a better base. with his muscles tightened and his chin tucked as best as he could dare to do so he would be sure to keep his shoulders rolled forward to assist protecting his neck and he would also remember to keep his head itself slightly lowered towards his own chest. Much was left to be done.

Syrinx could feel his teeth lightly take purchase in Isardis?s face, however, he knew it wasn?t enough to do much damage besides maybe pester isardis. Syrinx could also feel Isardis?s shoulder ram into his, however, the placement was different. The position that Isardis took was almost in Syrinx?s armpit and elicit a pained snarl to rise from his throat. He could hear the pop of his left shoulder over his own rage and immediately he knew there would be no weight to be put on the limb. His response was swift and he would throw all of his weight evenly onto his back legs. Using the muscles of his rear legs he would attempt to hoist the limb up and wrap it around Isardis?s neck or at least throw the left limb over Isardis?s right since it would be directly in front of him.

Still head on with Isardis; Syrinx would release the grip he had taken on Isardis?s left ankle and he would take to the same motions: Hoisting his body upwards and attempting to wrap his right limb around the left side of Isardis?s neck or at least get it draped over Isardis?s left shoulder. He was now standing. regardless, however, of being allowed to rest his weight on Isardis and attack him more from above, Syrinx would still rear into the air trying to alleviate the stress of the weight on his dislocated limb.

Isardis was not as simply as one would think, however, Syrinx could feel Isardis?s face seem to tilt upwards and before he was overly aware he could feel teeth begin to penetrate a bit of the fat around his neck. A pinch around his left jugular would alert Syrixn to pull his head backwards. Isardis would be allowed precisely a centimeter deep into the left side of his neck, however, the length of what he had managed to gather in his mouth would leave laceration approximately 2 inches long. Given that, this side of his body was mostly burned and killed there was not an excessive amount of responsiveness to the tearing flesh. The deadened and burned skin did not acknowledge the tear or the blood that pooled to the surface and lightly fell. The damage was moderate, however, unnoticeable to him, and the blood loss was minimal.

Syrinx would begin his own attacks. They would be simple, however, direct. His head would sharply turn to the left and he would look completely downwards. Jaws would part and Syrinx would aim to bite across the entirety of Isardis?s skull. His top set would attempt to snap beside Isardis?s right ear and his bottom set beside Isardis?s left. Regarless of finding purchase he would snap his teeth together and his entire point was clear. Syrinx was attempting to sever the pretty boy?s ears he wanted to destroy his appearance. Even if he walked away alive Syrinx would pray that the Aramadan king was u g l y.

Simultaneously, Syrinx would hope that his attempt at grasping Isardis was successful, though regardless of failure or success, he would torque his own body to the left (so with his action weight could be moved to his right front limb should he end up on the ground again) His torque was an attempt to make Isardis?s weight distribution unsteady and knock his balance off. If he could get the king to merely fall beneath him Syrinx wouldn?t need to move much any longer. He could destroy him from above, yes? A slight hope grew in his chest. He was capable of this, more than, but he was prepared, because so far, the damage to his shoulder was next to lethal. It gave Isardis an uppernhand that he didn?t necessarily need. It would be his downfall should he lose this day.

Syrinx vs. Isardis
for death
one TWO three