
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



5 Years
08-16-2014, 02:55 PM

She would arrive late to the challenge, with a large load of herbs wrapped up in grass and leaves gripped firmly in her jaws. It had taken her a while to gather this much on short notice. After the demonic angel had claimed her from Abaven she had silently went off to explore her new home. To learn the land and where the best herbs had and would grow. And then she had to find the right place to make her own den, somewhere in the middle of everyone else but close to where her plants she needed where close by. It was a lot of work, much so that she hadn't even seen who really was all in the pack besides Isar and her. Though she didn't mind it, she had work to do and it needed to get done as fast as possible. Knowing her father, fights were always right around the corner.

But as the howl went up for a challenge a shiver ran down her spine. This was no normal challenge to the prime white warlord. There was history and a more deadly intent. She had to race and sneak into Abaven to collect her herbs she had gathered in her time there, undetected. And in stealth she would succeed in her goal. The detour had left her well behind the gathering of those that would show to the fight. But time was not a problem for her, she would arrive with tail high waving like a banner, head lifted up and amber eyes gleaming. So many wolves and many already engaged in their own little fights. Thankfully she had brought so many herbs with her, it looked like she would be tending to more than just her father. She could see family there, allies and ghosts of memories and stories told to her. So many there, so much blood. A shiver raced through her but not in fear. No the voices of those fighting the clashing of bodies and fur and blood everywhere excited her. one day she would be in a fight, and win each one.

She was no fool to start picking fights when she knew her skills still needed to be refined and perfected. Why waste her time in a hopeless fight if she was going to lose? Oh no, when her time came she would enter this battlefield with confidence she would win and rule. For now though her focus would be on hat of her father and the russet man. Slight surprise froze her in seeing the russet man's lower jaw was exposed as just bone, no flesh. How had that happen? How long had he lived like that? Questions boiled up in her, she needed to know. All purely in needing to know if she had future packmates with similar wounds, how to care for them in knowing they could live on in such a state.

She would find herself a spot, in safety of the clashing wolves but with the main pair in her full site. Her amber eyes glowed as she assessed the damage already done. And though she had never doubted her father in a fight before, this one felt different. It made her stomach clench painfully and her eyes sought those that where family. If the fonder of so many died what would become of them? Would they flicker out in the abyss of the ebony night sky? Or would they flame up to engulf the darkness and blind those before them?