
They Tremble at the Sound



4 Years
08-16-2014, 05:59 PM

Alright, so, since they were a pack now, they should start doing pack things, yes? Time for a hunt!

Nose to the ground, Warja sorted through the herd scents that peppered the ground around her. All around the grass was torn to shreds and trampled flat; the telling work of hooved animals. They had plenty of game to choose from here. Herds of horses, bison and deer frequented the plains as well as a number of other herd-type animals she wasn't familiar with. The prey Warja had honed in on was a band of horses that had gotten too big for its own good. She'd been following them for hours, never really stressing herself but making sure to keep them running. Sheltered among the healthy members was an assortment of sick, old and young; the pack had a wide variety of flaws to choose from. The leaders were both fresh and inexperienced; the result of the ill-timed death of the head female and the overthrowing of the old stallion. This Warja had observed since the family had formed Secretua.

She paused, nose twitching as the coppery smell of blood registered. Somewhere among the horses was a freshly wounded mare. Whether or not she was worth pursuing, Warja didn't know yet, but it was worth sharing should anyone wish to join her. At this point, they had to be tired and thirsty, making the weak especially vulnerable. The sun was setting, the terra darkening; now would be the perfect time for a hunt. She was sure of it.

Tipping back her head, Warja howled for Secretua, the promise of a feast hanging in the air.

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