
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



08-16-2014, 08:57 PM

Left shoulder comes to contact almost with its target in a satisfying clash upon Syrinx? left frontal armpit region, braced chest muscles absorbing the shock of the force; attaining perhaps no more than very minor bruising upon the blade of his jutted left shoulder, merit to a somewhat successful counteract. Immediately his left shoulder rolls back to its defensive, scrunching position, chest muscles relaxing to re-allow ease of movement as chin tucks tight against his throat, cherry towers becoming seamless against the tapers of his skull as ruby gaze remains defensively narrowed. Paws still splay atop rocky loam as claws dig for toehold, centre of gravity somewhat lowered as joints bend into a position of shock absorption, hackles bristling with overwhelming rage as spine remains aligned with his level tail and balance remains equalised upon squared limbs. Abdomen tightens to strengthen his core and ghoulish jaws remain unhinged and imposing.

Isardis had seemingly succeeded in finding the flesh of Syrinx?s left throat; however the jugular went tragically unscathed as it lay dormant beneath a protective layer of fat. Isardis had previously shifted his position leftward to prevent face-to-face access, though through whatever unrecognised circumstances it seemed Syrinx would assault him now from an undesirable frontal position yet again. Regardless, the red fiend?s next course of action is unexpected; his left forearm wrapping over the right upper shoulders of the pallid ghoul, with his right forelimb following suit shortly after in a successful leverage (under his throat and-) over his left side neck-base. Unfortunately Isardis? previous efforts to crush toes would therefore go unrequited and dreadfully unrewarded; but he was not wavered then and would not be now.

Spine grows rigid and unyielding; the muscles through his shoulders and neck tensing as his nape strives to lift and crane back towards his own wither, interlocking with his aligned spine in a cunningly masquerading effort to offer Syrinx grapple behind his nape. He is deceiving, shrewd, his wits flourishing and his calculation falling second to few; for a man who is so easily demented by rage, Isardis now plots his enemies termination as though it is his living purpose, his avid motor drive ? and perhaps today, it is.

With brutal temptation the icy fiend will hope to swiftly take a single, moderately distanced rightwards step with his right hind limb in a brief endeavour to obliterate the duo?s front-on placement, his left hind scuffling instantaneously after it?s departed companion. Rear hocks bend more-so as muscles begin to coil upon the attraction of his next assault - however he falters upon his own infuriated yelp! Syrinx?s obscured upper jaw had found contact behind his right ear and skull, his lower jaw piercing through the lobe of his left ear. Justifiably, it was the latter that had encouraged forth such a wail of exasperated shock, as the lower canines raked through the right side of his shuddering left tower with chilling ease; tearing the cartilage an estimated three centimetres or more inwards from the outer edge and threatening to pull it entirely from its base. Syrinx? upper jaw had failed to match his lower, barely scathing a minor distance atop rosy skin.

Fuelled by a newly birthed wrath, Isardis attempts to shy his skull to his own left and wrench his ear and nape from any hold Syrinx may have managed to maintain. It is virtually in a similar moment that Syrinx seems to tip his weight to his left, Isardis? balance is threatened by the crimson?s leverage, forcing his toes to further splay, however the youths sideways tip also appeals to an impending attack. Having earlier sought to allow Syrinx further purchase upon his nape with his forelimbs, the beast remains rigid in the hopefully maintained pose; and too cautious to lift his toes, the pallid King hopes to slide his four limbs backwards against the gravel a single stride in the motioned endeavour to angle Syrinx?s upright standing position into a stance he could possibly not maintain - hopeful the beast was dragged backwards with him due to his hugging grasp around Isardis? nape.

It is then Isardis will endeavour to lower his skull just to the left of his breast in a solitary motion, stiffening and hoping to create a streamlined framework from skull to neck to shoulders; ambitious that with his next faction his opposition would no longer be able to maintain his embrace. With his haunches slightly positioned to his own right and Syrinx?s weight tipping to his right also (Syr?s left), Isardis releases the corkscrew power that fumed within his bowed haunches; curling his hind toes to further amplify his driving force in the soil as he strives to rapidly close the small distance between them yet again. Having had previously sought to create detachment between them via his backwards shuffle, Isardis attempts to elevate his serrated right shoulder blade and drive it into the exposed right armpit of Syrinx, just above where the elbow joins the body. Having had hoped Syrinx remained embraced around his nape in such a small time period, Isardis craves to cause colossal damage to the youths underside right armpit sinew and render the beast with two useless forelimbs ? hell, he was not against the imposing prospect of another satisfying and cracking dislocation or fracture to the elbow or frontal shoulder region.

Crazed and captivated by the thrill of bloodied violence, it is with delicate timing that Isardis seeks to send his jaws gaping forwards, downwards and slightly right; though not wholly sure of where the ghoul now stands it is rational for him estimate the thrashing swine is reachable no matter if in front of him or still above him. He strives to crane his neck outwards (to his left) to compensate for his skulls attempted rotation towards Syrinx?s body, four limbs resecuring in balance against the rocky loam as previously elevated right shoulder returns to its defensively rolled position. He strives to clamp his jaws down in the tender fleshy regions behind Syrinx?s right elbow, ambitious to destroy the flimsy skin and shallow sinew that attached the elbow to his ribcage. He wants to ensure the monster is rendered lame on both front limbs. Right shoulder attempting to roll even more forwards and upwards in a further effort to protect the right side of his neck from his adversary during assault.

Isardis vs Syrinx ? Round 2 of 3!

Attacks: Craning his neck upwards and interlocking his nape with his spine/shoulders in an effort to give Syrinx more leverage in his embrace. Sliding legs backwards a step in an attempt to drag Syrinx back with him to try and effect his balance and create distance between their chests. Lowering his head with his breast and slightly to his left, trying to create a streamlined frame from skull to shoulders in an effort to suddenly give Syrinx next to nothing to grasp onto upon his forwards thrust, of which he attempts to drive his right shoulder blade into the right armpit of Syr and cause extreme damage to muscle or dislocation; trying to render both his oppositions front limbs useless (with Syrs left already displaced). Finally he attempts to bite the muscle and flesh behind Syrs right elbow.

Injuries: Minor bruising on left shoulder blade from the collision with Syrinx's shoulder. Badly torn/mangled left ear cartilage, minor skin scathes behind right ear.