
One Lost, is now Found.


08-16-2014, 08:58 PM
Dark gray paws softly set foot on Alacritis soil. The dark brute whom the paws belonged to, scrunched up his toes in the soft brown dirt as he released them and let out a sigh. Taking in a deep breath, the aging man recalled various memories at once. With a twitch of a white lined ear he silenced them before they flashed before his eyes. Thane could not risk another PTSD attack; the same kind of attack that had led him out of these lands. Aqua blue eyes surveyed his surroundings, he couldn't see any other soul nearby, but he sure could smell a few wolves far off into the distance.

Thane's heart ached, he held so many emotions inside his heart. The strongest one was longing...he longed for his family. The last time he had seen his wife and children was before he had gotten caught up with the skirmish between Valhalla and Glaciem. The vision flashed before his eyes, the last time he had talked to each one of his children. They were just yearlings and about a half then, how they must have grown since then. According to his calculations in his mind, they would be about three by now. With another sigh he shook his head at the ground. How horrible of a father e must be to disappear on his family like he did. Even so, it wasn't necessarily his fault. The last thing Thane wanted to do was leave his most precious treasures behind. Somehow his PTSD had resurfaced from being calmed by Ookami. She was the only one who has ever been able to suppress his attacks. Somehow the skirmish between the two packs had somehow set off his mental "issue". All he remembered was not actually being on the battlefield anymore, he was back in his homeland, back in Russia watching his family members be killed, watching his father be killed all over again. Thinking of it now, the aging brute's father has been long dead by now. Aqua blue eyes looked towards the sky, his pupils dilated as he remembered what had happened.

He ran away from his homeland all over again, thinking as if it was as it were before. He was so frightened, so scarred from experiencing the one thing that killed him inside once again...But there was always light at the end, something good. Shortly after he had ran away from the death of those he loved the first time, he had met Ookami. Visions and thoughts passed by, Ookami, their children, the day they were born, when he even found out of his impending fatherhood, when his daughter had gone off on her own being the adventurous pup she was, when Ookami had vanished and returned with lost memory... Oh how he missed them all. He wished to see his sons again, his only little girl, and the one dame who had always managed to tolerate him.

With a sway of his black tail, Thane walked forward into his second homeland and stopped once more. He had to find them, they must be here still. An eagle's cry was heard from above. White lined ears perked backwards as he heard the bird swoop down from behind. The golden eagle landed on his shoulder, it's usual perch.

"Any sight of them Cyril?"

"Not yet Master Thane, but I'm sure we shall find Mistress Ookami and the young Masters soon enough."

With a grunt and a nod, Thane lifted his slowly graying muzzle to the air and parted his lips into a howl. He called out for his family...if they were even here...