
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



3 Years
Extra large
08-17-2014, 04:17 AM

The call was foreign to him, never had he met his great uncle Syrinx, many of his family were in fact still rather unknown to the boy on both sides in fact. Of course he only cared for his mother's side, Roman perhaps was different to Isardis as well but the boy still wanted little to do with the Armadas. Today however he would be slightly intrigued. The summoning of Isardis for a death match. Who had the albino annoyed now, so much that one of them would soon be facing death? The latter thought was rather troubling, not because he would be sad to lose the father he'd never known, never cared to but simply the thought of death itself. All the same however the boy would be drawn towards the battlefield, that curiosity getting the better of him.

There was no surprise to see the many Armada family members that had turned up, although aside from Isardis and Roman, Kismet couldn't name most of them and could only recognise those he'd seen during his imprisonment in Glaciem. What was more intriguing however was the fact that he wasn't the only Adravendi present. His mother would of course catch his attention first and the fact that she was currently battling another herself. It took him a moment to realise that this was his great Aunt, he had only seen her briefly once during a short meeting of the Adravendi family. Why were they fighting? His own hackles would raise as he moved closer towards them, the other fights, even the death match wouldn't catch his attention now as he watched two members of his family battling. He longed to put a stop to that.

Before he could reach them however the pair would break apart, the fight over and it seemed his mother had won. He wouldn't be so easily calmed however and still wished to ensure that they wouldn't attempt a round two, not to mention he wanted to find out why they had begun to fight in the first place. He would move to his mother's side as he came to a stop. They'd both need their wounds attending to but he was no healer himself, wouldn't be able to help with that. For now the fight itself was still his interest. "What's happening?" He would enquire, mismatched gaze looking from from to the other.