
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



3 Years
08-17-2014, 04:57 AM

The fight between Syrinx and Isardis was certainly one that was going to attract a fair amount of attention. Both males had rather large families and support from their years in Alacritia. It was perhaps purely that this was a death match that was drawing in the most attention. It was in fact the very same reason that Talvi had chosen to attend.

She had been informed of the fact that Isardis was a skilled fighter, perhaps even if it had been a simple spar the girl should have attended though she had mixed feelings about her grandfather right now. She still had yet to tell anyone else about this new revelation, the knowledge of her heritage. Though she'd never done anything to warrant any anger from Isardis, she couldn't help but feel a little wary after learning what he had done to his son. Athena wasn't overly pleased with him at the moment either, and to be honest knowing what she did, she couldn't help but wonder if he had any sort of punishment in store for Bevroren now.

He could die today. That single revelation was enough for her to drop any fears and make her way to the battlefield. No it wasn't to watch some display of fighting skills, it was purely to support the man. No matter how he had been known to react to things, Isardis had been good to Talvi and her siblings. They had been welcomed into the pack as Bloods growing up amongst his children. Perhaps she would have even had the chance to get to know him better had he not been so ill for a while, she knew back then she would have liked the opportunity and even now she wished that she'd had the chance.

The fight was already in progress as she arrived, in fact a number of them seemed to be breaking out around her. Blue gaze sought to find Isardis and his opponent however, glad to find that the albino was still alive. The other man was a stranger to her, though it was difficult to get a good look, the male's appearance was surely one that she would have recalled. What troubles had he been through to earned such scars and marks upon him? She hoped he would earn his last today, not just another mar to his already damaged looks, but one serious enough to end his life. One would have to die today, and Talvi was rooting for Isardis to live.