
The Player Might get played


08-17-2014, 07:37 AM

Raising her gaze from her paws, the sound of another approaching her filled her ears. Well this is interesting, this individual seemed very interesting. His words about romance filled her mind.'So what did this male think was going to happen.' She sighed and turned to greet the brute that she got to grace with her presence. What she came to see was a large, orange male, surely not something you see everyday. He stood much taller then she, yet that did not bother Roseletta. Her tail swayed lightly as she pondered the words to give this brute.She could tell by that cocked smirk that he had on his face, this had to be some sort of game to him. So he liked games, that was reassuring, she her self loves to play games.

"How funny. I am not for romance my self strange brute.Yet,the game that presents it's self, seems quite like and interesting one don't you say." She spoke in a neutral tone, her eyes looked this male over. 'Maybe, just maybe he could be a suitable candidate.' She thought to her self.The smile that arose across her maw seemed a little sinister, yet maybe it was just that. Sinister, after all looks can be deceiving. Here is a small, innocent looking female, what could she possibly be thinking of that could cause such a smile to arise. She would play his game, after all she was quite bored. Roseletta did not move from her standing point, she just stood there waiting for his move.
