
Night Beckons


05-12-2013, 07:59 PM

It didn't matter to Secret when this womans brother came to join the pack, while his addition would be beneficial, she had no desire to badger the pair for his recruitment. Xhen. She would remember the dames name, as she did with most that she accepted at the borders, though it became clear that she was interested in her own name. "My name is Secret." Typically she only gave her name to those who asked for it, she wasn't particularly interested in pleasantries, rather just getting to the point of the matter. The question of whether or not their was a rank given to Spies didn't seem to shake the dame of her joining, though Secret preferred not to show any weakness of the pack to newcomers. Hopefully things would be sorted soon. One could hope. At last though it seemed as though this meeting was coming to an end, Xhen didn't appear to have an questions, Viri didn't seem to have much to add. "Then if you have no further questions Ill be on my way. Welcome to Tortuga." She offered a ghost of a smile, rising to her paws, dipping her head in farewell to the new wolf before offering the same to Viri. Perhaps she could catch a bit of sleep before the sun rose and more newcomers came to the borders. Turning on her paws, she waited a brief moment to see if an questions were raised, though she was sure Vi could handle it, and with that the ebony she-wolf made her departure as quietly as she entered, becoming nothing more than a shadow.

-exit Secret unless stopped-

"Talk here."