
Count on It [puppy birthing]


02-10-2013, 12:52 AM

Without question the dame's steely mate sauntered over and grabbed away the lifeless body. Honestly, Soleil hardly noticed. Her attention consumed with bidding life into the last whelp. When it was finally over and she had expressed her joy, Collision was right there to join in. He too sounded his enthusiasm. Her tail thumped the ground and she leaned into him as he lay down near her and nuzzled into her.

"You've done perfectly!" He proclaimed. Soleil's blue eyes locked on the puppy that Collision had moved. For a moment she doubted his words but then she considered everything that had happened lately. The loss of Guinevere. An unexpected volcano eruption. They had truly been tested and to lose one puppy rather than them all was more a blessing than anything. Her moment of grief was interrupted, cut off by the shrill cry of one of the puppies who squirmed in the curve of her abdomen. They were so tiny. Instinct made her first reaction to nudge and lick them, reassuring them and drawing them close.

When another wolf arrived, Soleil was taken off guard. Instantly she tensed up, a growl bubbling in her throat. Likely everything about her reaction was surprising to Collision. She felt an intense need to protect the newborns. It surprised even her how fierce she felt at the moment. She looked up to see a creamy wolf with a dark face. One ear was not colored and her eyes were a tell-tale blue. This wolf was family. "Collision, Soliel - congratulations." Those were her worlds.

Soleil swallowed her overpowering drive to get rid of the female. If she were to go after Chrysanthe then Collision would to pull her off and in the end it would only mean that Soleil would feel really bad about it and make Collision find the herbs to heal the wounds she would inflict. No need attacking family, plus the pup was merely curious.

Chys hadn't been around any litters as far as she knew plus she was likely just as lost as they were. After a prolonged silence, Soleil finally managed a smile. She looked at Collision, meeting his solid gaze. "Name them," he bid while the yearling she-wolf worked slowly closer. "How many are there? Are they boys or girls?" Soleil motioned the young wolf closer, sidelining Collision's question. "It's alright, Chrysanthe, you can come see them. Be slow and gentle." Soleil paused, feeling rushed to lay down ground rules, "Don't touch. There are two boys and a girl. See? The little female looks quite like you, doesn't she?"

Newborn puppies or not, Soleil was a friendly as ever. More friendly even. She wanted to let the young wolf take in the situation so that she could remember it later in life. She was just relieved the rest of the yearlings weren't with her, then she would feel like she was on exhibit.

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