
you won't feel a thing !


05-12-2013, 07:59 PM

He still wasn't sure why she hadn't left. Why he hadn't left her. For her safety, of course. But Angeal didn't want to leave, not if he was totally honest with himself. He had been more happy in the past few days than he had been in a very long time. Which meant that Angeal had felt the need to repay that. He wasn't sure how to do that, but Angeal figured that maybe he could begin to do so in the form of the young doe that he had managed to separate from her herd and capture. The young creature was barely more than a fawn, and had been recently injured, allowing him to easily separate her from the herd and bring her down. Of course, then he had found himself trying to figure out how to bring her back. Well, this was going to take a while.

By the time he got back to his den, Angeal had dragged the doe for a long while, and his neck was aching. Dropping the corpse with an exhalation of relief, Angeal took a moment to shake the kinks out of his neck before he summoned the female that had spent the past few days with him. "Miss Liste!" Angeal called out lightly, "I have brought lunch." And perhaps he would tell Liste a more interesting, more insightful story of his past. He had mentioned at least one of the more boring tales. the ones about the beginnings of the world, and nothing too particular. Nothing about humans. Nothing about the structure of his pack. And while he didn't intend to tell anything too incriminating, Angeal figured he could tell her something a little bit more interesting than 'this wolf howled and created the world.'

Ears flicking, Angeal rocked back in his haunches and settled in contentedly to wait for Liste to appear.
