
This is Me



08-17-2014, 10:51 AM

He had protectively guarded Song's den once the pregnancy had made it difficult for her to walk. His large paws remained muffled as he stepped would pace, ears perking for any sound from the den. Garth had been a good provider once Song was on den rest. He went and caught her food, ensured her water intake, and brought nesting materials when discomfort arose for the small woman. In his mind, he didn't want to spoil her until near the end, when she needed it most. She was still a grown woman who could make her own decisions...and carry his children.
The spring had left and the summer crept into the Ludicael grounds. Garth despised the summer, particularly for the heat and his dark coat was made for winter climates. At the end of his last pace, Garth had reclined outside of Song's den, resting his head on his paws. Ears remained perked for any sign of change from the inside of the Queen's den.
Finally, something did happen. Garth detected something new in the air, aside from Song's scent. It was as if it had mingled with hers in the last few minutes. A soft voice left Song's lips and a name was wrapped in its coils. Darkness had covered the lands and Garth rose with graceful agility for one his size. His massive head peeked in the entrance, ears pricked forward. The time had come and his child, born after many years of not seeing his previous offspring, was here. A smile rose on his features and a soft bark left his kissers, waiting for permission to slip in next to Song.
